Creepy clown statue
Clowns are generally scary, but we all take comfort in the idea that they are just human beings with makeup on. This story though was really scary since the clowns involved were not humans. A babysitter was left home with 2 kids as the parents were out one night for a party. As she was walking towards the kids’ bedroom to put them to sleep, she saw a creepy looking crown statue. She thought it was just a life-size toy. She called the parents and asked them if she can cover the clown because it was too creepy. They told her that they didn’t have such a clown toy at home. The father told her to calm down and take the kids out of the house and run. Eventually, it was found out that there were scary clowns and other creatures hiding in the house without their knowledge. It is believed that these scary toys can just show up any time in anybody’s house. As long as there are kids whom they can play with, they will be there. Your house might be next.